Social Media


1 January 2014

Introducing...Pudding Lane. A brand new online microcosm which combines a passion for baking and eating with a bustling new life in London.

After a year of blogging at Of Shoes And Ships And Sealing Wax, I packed up my life and moved down to the big city. With a new job, a new flat and a brand new London life, it felt only fair that my online world should do the same. Through blogging for a year, I learnt a whole lot about style, content, photography and even surprised myself with a recreational touch of coding. Blogging gradually changed for me, and it felt like the right time to pack up and start afresh.

For those of you who've been reading since the beginning - thank you! I'm still amazed and flattered that it's not just my Mum and others bound to me by blood who drop by. Pudding Lane is my way of going better and, hopefully, bigger with blogging, so fingers crossed you'll stick with me. And if we haven't met before - hi! I'm Lucy, and i'd love it if we could be friends.

In between loading my mouth with mince pies, I've spent the festive season cooking up lots of new recipes (using my beautiful new KitchenAid), which I can't wait to share with you. Stay tuned!

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