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23 December 2018

Ok I lied - my DIY Christmas Gift Guide isn't over quite yet! I couldn't resist sharing one more bonus recipe with you to end this mini series in style. This is one for those of you who fly by the seat of your pants, and still haven't got around to present shopping. Honeycomb is best eaten within a couple days of making, so it's perfect for the last-minuters.

This is the final recipe in my DIY Christmas gift guide mini series. Catch the first five recipes from the series here - fancy festive chocolate buttons, quince fruit pastilles, peppermint creams, caramelised white chocolate fudge and clementine & orange blossom marshmallows.

As this really is the end of my festive recipe series, I wanted to take this opportunity to wish you all a very merry, happy and joyful Christmas. It's been a year of mega highs and also some awful, awful lows. If I've learnt anything in 2018, it's that health and happiness are more important than anything else. So that's what I wish for each and every one of you who are still reading my ramblings and recipes. It's been a crazy ride. I'll be back before the new year to share my annual year in reflection post - until then, Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

200g caster sugar
100g golden syrup
2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
1 tsp flaky sea salt

Line a 20cm square deep rimmed baking tray with grease proof baking parchment. Grease the paper generously with oil.

Place the caster sugar and golden syrup in a deep saucepan. Place over a gentle heat, and stir until the sugar has melted. Once melted, turn up the heat and simmer until the mixture has turned a deep caramel colour.

While the sugar is cooking, measure the bicarbonate of soda into a small bowl, and have a whisk ready. Once the caramel is ready, quickly turn the heat off, tip the bicarbonate into the pan and beat with a whisk until the mixture is pale and foaming. Immediately pour the honeycomb into the prepared tin. Scrape out the sides as quickly as you can.

Top the honeycomb with a generous sprinkling of flakey sea salt. Leave for around an hour to cool completely. It will be hard, so use a hammer or rolling pin to break into chunks.

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